Beyond Bodies is about creating strong women both mentally and physically, it’s teaching them confidence in the gym and in themselves.


Beyond Bodies is about helping women work towards who they want to become whilst accepting themselves for where they are.

We want to teach women to not be controlled by their bodies or how they feel about it at that very moment in their day. 

It’s freedom within their mind. It’s getting the body they want but at the same time realising they were always enough. It’s using fitness as the gateway to self-development and acceptance.

We are here to teach women to fiercely show up as themselves in all areas of their life.


Beyond Bodies Coaching takes a completely personalised approach as the reality is everyone requires a different roadmap. To be the best version of yourself you NEED what is right for YOU! We approach your goals in a sustainable way that takes your lifestyle into consideration.

The best plan is the one you can actually stick to.


I got into fitness through my own struggles with an eating disorder & body image issues. I struggled with this for all of my teen years and into my early 20’s. I truly believe our pain is our power – I have created beyond bodies to lead the way for women accepting and learning to love themselves.

My mission is to break the stigma around this & create a space for women to openly speak about their struggles and work through them with support from myself, our coaches and our community. 

Beyond Bodies one on one coaching has a large focus on your mindset, your habits & your limiting beliefs. We address the WHY behind you being stuck in the patterns that are stopping you from reaching your goals. 

Your body will only ever go where your mind can take it. Let us help you change both.

Zara Jade

Beyond Bodies Founder & Coach

Expect to transform your whole damn life.



1:1 Coaching

Perfectly Tailored For You