Make peace with your body

Make peace with your body •



I've been training with Zara for 2 years+ and I couldn't highly recommend anyone else more than her. She has extensive knowledge on how to achieve your goal whether it be for strength, mental well being or weight loss. She has the ability to problem solve your personal dilemmas with your relationship with exercise, food and injuries. Zara has been my number 1 motivator in learning to love myself and to have a positive internal monologue. I've been lucky enough to call her my PT and my friend since I started my journey with her.


Training with Zara has changed my outlook entirely on my body and its capability. I’ve always had challenges with my physicality, including the mental strain that comes with self esteem and body image issues. Zara has taught me how to train in accordance with my body and any limitations I have, as well as showing me how to fall in love with myself again and embrace what I have whilst still working on improving. I participated in a photoshoot alongside Zara and some other clients which had us all embrace our physicality and step out of our comfort zone in front of the camera. I felt more beautiful that day than I thought I would in a long time, it was a perfect way to showcase the effect of Zara's approach to coaching female clients. Training with Zara was the best investment I’ve made for myself and I can’t wait to continue my journey with her guidance.


I have been training with Zara for 2 years and have never looked back! Zara pushes me in every training session which means I always feel challenged and ready to push myself to limits. She has influenced me to become a better version of myself physically and mentally. She has also motivated me in a way that exercise doesn’t feel like a chore anymore, I have learned to love it. We work simultaneously towards my goals each week.


I have been a client of Zara’s for over a year now and I can put my hand on my heart and say that she has completely changed my life. She has given me the tools, support, love and pushes I’ve needed to get where I am today. I can barely recognise the self-conscious, anxiety ridden person I was before I met Zara. I was nervous to train at the gym, I would hide my body, I’d binge eat anytime I’d feel a ‘negative’ emotion and I can’t remember ever believing in myself. I can now say that thanks to Zara’s support, I have changed all those things. I feel proud of myself! I don’t turn to food for comfort anymore and I LOVE the gym, but most importantly, I love myself.

I love that Zara doesn’t focus on the exterior to begin with, and delves deep with her clients on their interior, their mindset and where it can shift. From the weekly check-ins, the nutritional support, to the personalised online programming and the in-person training that I am lucky enough to do; I wouldn’t change a thing! This has been one of the hardest, most rewarding personal journeys I’ve been on. My perspectives, values, mindset, and life have changed forever. I’ve finally put myself first; not just in the typical ‘health & fitness’ way, but in an all-round lifeway. Thank you Zara, for helping me see my true potential and always believing in me.


I’ve been training with Zara for 2 years now, and she has played a huge role in helping me appreciate what my body is capable of and feeling good about myself. She has helped me improve my confidence at the gym; with using equipment, my form, and also how I feel. Her fun, encouraging energy and approach has been exactly what I needed to set good habits and routine. I can’t recommend her enough!


I started training with Zara when I was in an unhealthy place mentally and physically. I was craving something that could change and open my mind set. I knew as soon as I met Zara that our relationship wasn’t only going to be an hour at the gym once a week but a genuine friendship. I started training with quite a lot of gym anxiety. I had no idea how to train the correct way or what was best for my overall health. I found my mindset about the gym shifted quite quickly. I was shocked that I looked forward to going to the gym. I started understanding the correct movements and what it actually looked like when doing the exercise. Physical changes started showing quickly as well. I began to see more definition in my overall appearance. I can truthfully say that my confidence in and out of the gym changed completely and Zara played a massive part in this. Zara not only wanted to hear about my health and fitness but was genuinely interested in hearing about my life. I left each session feeling happy, full of energy and being proud of how much stronger I was getting each session. Zara is a bright, down to earth, passionate person. Training with her is like training with your best friend.


I truly have no idea where to start when attempting to convey how amazing Zara has been to me. I've been working out with Zara for a little more than a year, and having her as a personal trainer has been the best decision I've ever made for my physical and mental well-being. I will forever be so appreciative for all of the efforts and support she’s provided for me. 

I'm someone who’s always been quite insecure with little to no self-love, and going to the gym by myself used to make me feel quite anxious. I am not the most confident girl and working one on one with another person was frightening to me. However, I wasn't seeing much progress by myself and I knew it was time to reach out. Nevertheless, I am forever grateful I overcame my shyness and sought out professional guidance and help from Zara. I wouldn’t be the person I am now, without her help. Zara has genuinely changed my life. Zara has been one of the biggest inspirations in my life. I look up to her and see her as the type of person I would love to be like. Training with someone who you look up to has been one of the biggest motivations for me and has pushed me to keep training. 

Zara focuses on giving females a sense of strength and mental and physical empowerment. This is how I feel every time I work out, whether it's with her or by myself! Zara has been so much more to me than just a personal trainer; she has always been there for me when I needed someone to talk to or some big sister advice. When I've been feeling alone, unsure and even hurt by people or life Zara has always been there to listen. I’ve turned up to some training sessions with tears due to things happening in life and Zara has always been there for me and manages to keep pushing me to train, which I am eternally grateful for. I always say how Zara is my personal trainer and therapist. I've overcome some big challenges in my life with her help and couldn’t have done it without her. 

My body has undergone a transformation thanks to Zara, and even, especially my mindset. The way I see myself and the reason I train has been improved majorly. If you’re wanting to feel beautiful, strong and empowered, Zara can help you get there. With her knowledge and guidance. I am once again forever thankful to be training with Zara.

Transform your mind and body.